
Posts Tagged ‘Jeremiah 29:11’

Happy Birthday America!

Jesus my Lord and Savior

© All Rights Reserved 2011 – Anastasia Diamond

The 4th of July is ‘Independence Day’ in the United States.

Happy 235th Birthday and may God bless America! Yes…I am an American. I still get that lump in my throat and catch in my heart at the sight of our flag, or singing our national anthem; The Star Spangled Banner. I love my country and know that I am blessed to live in the land of the free and home of the brave.

Today I also want to talk about a another kind of independence…

Long before America declared independence from England…God, the Creator of all that is, our heavenly Abba Father, gave us the free will to be independent in the thoughts of our mind, words of our mouth, and actions of our body. Though He knew some would stray and some would cleave…He gave us that choice.

However, He also  gave us the opportunity to become His blood-bought children when we repent of our poor choices and accept His Son, Jesus as our Lord and Savior  Additionally, when we realize this is only our temporary earthly home, we can choose to relinquish our passport to worldly things, submit our will to His…and through faith, become more dependent on Him.

Yes, of course we will still make personal choices. However, when we ask for His daily guidance and direction…our choices are tempered by His indwelling Holy Spirit, and the process of sanctification. Therefore, we will have more of Him and less of us in the choices we make.

He enlightens us mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually. He teaches us that we cannot go to some of the places we used to go; We cannot look at some of the things we used to look at; We cannot think about some of the things we used to think about; We cannot listen to some of the things we used to listen to; We cannot say some of the things we used to say; We cannot wear some of the things we used to wear…and we cannot do some of the things we used to do.

Then, if or when we do make poor choices, His Holy Spirit lovingly, yet persistently, convicts our heart…teaching and reminding us of who were are in Him; our righteousness in Christ, that we will learn to make better choices…all to His glory.

Is the loss of our spiritual independence a negative?

I don’t think so. Rather, it is an opportunity to partner with our Creator, who has known us since before we were formed in our mother’s womb. It is such an amazing opportunity to live life in agreement with His perfect plan.

“For I know the plans I have for you, declares the LORD, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” Jeremiah 29:11

We exchange spiritual aloneness for a precious blood-bought relationship with the only begotten Son of God…and are promised life in eternity with Him.

We receive spiritual wisdom, guidance and discernment from His most Holy Spirit.

We are healed, sealed, and blessed with the anointed blood of Jesus; giving us a covering and protection from the evil one.

Our sins are forgiven and covered with His divine grace and mercy.

Do you find it difficult to trust an unseen God with your life? Yet, you trust man and governments you can see with your life…and they fail you daily.

“God is not a man, that he should lie; neither the son of man, that he should repent: has he said, and shall he not do it? or has he spoken, and shall he not make it good?”  –Numbers 23:19

Declare and celebrate your personal Independence Day. Use your God-given free will…and give it all back to Him! He will take the broken pieces of your life that may have been meant for evil…and use them for good.

“And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.” –Romans 8:28

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Jesus, my Lord and Savior Anastasia Diamond

All Rights Reserved © 2009-2010

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“For I know the plans I have for you”…declares the LORD…“plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” Jeremiah 29:11

I am always so gratefully humbled by the knowledge that our heavenly Abba Father has thoughts and plans about and for me.

I am continually in awe that the Almighty Divine Creator of all that ever has been, is now and ever will be…desires that I prosper, have a future, and a hope.

Dear one…rejoice! God has these same encouraging thoughts and plans for you and your life.

No matter your current circumstances or beliefs, our Abba Father has never stopped loving you. In fact, He loves you more than any person here on earth ever has, ever will…or is able.

God loves you more than your mother, father, grandparents, children, husband, wife, girlfriend, boyfriend, brother, sister, aunts, uncles, cousins, friends…or fans.

He is the only One who will never leave you or forsake you.

He is with you now. He knows your needs before you even ask; for He has known you since before He formed you in your mother’s womb.

No matter what others may tell you, God has never stopped His loving thoughts and plans toward you. No matter what you think or believe…or how you feel at times…He has not, and will not, leave you or forsake you.

God is ever-present, through His most Holy Spirit. He remains a loving, caring Abba Father… watching over you. He is ready, willing…and able…to give you the guidance and direction you are seeking.

God has a storehouse of overflowing blessings waiting just for you, today…and always.

Does that mean life will always be easy or perfect. No!

Does it mean you can claim your righteous, blood-bought, place in the anointed family of God? Yes!

Dear one, though I may not know you,  I believe in you.

I believe in who you are…and who you want to become. Why should I believe in you? I believe in you because I trust in who God says you are, and who you can become…in and through Him.

His Word reminds us that He is no respecter of persons. Therefore, rejoice again! What He thinks and plans for one of His children, He equally plans and thinks for all of His children.

Life is a series of decisions and choices.

Why are we so often resistive to such a loving Father, who has such perfect thoughts and plans for our life? Free will and Fear. We often exert such a strong will to run our own life, that we are fearful of letting go of control…and trusting Him.

May today be the day you decide to trust His thoughts and plans for you.

May today be the day you decide to accept His loving, merciful and gracious promises in your life.

May today be the day you choose to allow His Holy Spirit to guide and direct your path…helping you grow into the man or woman He is calling you to be.

May today be the day you decide to release your fear, and choose to submit your will to His perfect will for your life.

May today be the day you choose to accept and receive God’s only begotten Son, Jesus Christ, as your Lord and Savior…then follow Him into eternity.

Fear not, little flock; for it is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom. –Luke 12:32


All Rights Reserved ©2009-2010…”JESUS my Lord and Savior-ANASTASIA DIAMOND’S Prayerful Reflections…and Photographs on a Spiritual Journey from Darkness into HIS Light” Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from Anastasia Diamond is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided full and clear credit is given author/photographer and with appropriate and specific direction to the original content at: https://jesusmylordandsavior.wordpress.com/

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Jesus my Lord and Savior

©All Rights Reserved-Anastasia Diamond

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The Way

The WAY: Enter Through the Narrow Gate

Jeremiah 29:11 tells us: For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the LORD, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope.

This is God’s crystal-clear statement of His divine plans and perfect will for each of us.

Many of us say we want to be ‘in His will’. However and unfortunately, we often act out in childish willfulness when faced with the reality of walking the walk, and talking the talk…24/7.

We tend to forget His perfect will when we want what we want, when we want it…and are willing to give up anything to get it. Sadly, we set ourselves up for disappointment when we make choices and decisions in headstrong stubbornness against the mind and heart of God.

Do You Have Spiritual Amnesia?

Thankfully, Jesus has already paid the price for us to receive all that the Father purposed for us through His will. However, from time to time (more likely than not) we still get spiritual amnesia and are blinded by our human desire to run our own program.

Our Abba Father’s divine desire is that we each live a life filled with His fruitful abundance…in His time, and in His will. Here is where it gets a little tricky, because we must learn to choose to be obedient and submit our willfulness to His will.

Turn the Reigns of Your Life Over to Him

Turning the reigns of our life over to Him can be the most difficult, yet rewarding, aspect of our Christian walk. So, why do we fight it so much?

God, in His divine wisdom, created us with the ability to make choices and decisions based on our own free will. That makes us feel powerful. We like that. He also designed us with a built-in homing device to draw us back to Him; our Creator. However, in doing so, we must willingly submit and give back our free will to Him. Thus, acknowledging who He is, and who we are in Him. We desire the results, but frustrated by the process.

Only He Knows Your Struggle…and Your Heart

Remember, dear ones, He knows your struggle and your heart. This is not a one-time commitment. It is a daily re-submission process of exercising our willfulness muscles to build a more permanent spiritual strength.

So, be gentle with yourselves. Know that this perfecting of your will shall take you into His presence…and His perfect will.

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Heaven Sent Rocket

Prayer is a Heaven-Sent Rocket from Your Heart to God’s Ear

JESUS my Lord and Savior

©All Rights Reserved-Anastasia Diamond

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I was in complete awe when I took this photograph…and even more so when I developed it. For, to me…this was instantly a visual representation of the trajectory of our prayers. We talk to God with words, pleas, thoughts, shouts, whispers, and groanings called our prayers. Then, when we are ready to let go of them…we release and send our prayers up to Him. He listens all the while…but patiently waits for our ‘let go and let God’ release.

We have great difficulty conceptualizing how far our prayers might travel and accepting how long they will take to be answered. That seemingly empty space between releasing our prayer and God’s answer…is our time of  growing in faith, as we wait for HIS perfect will and His divine answer…in His perfect time.

The star burst above the waiting place is our prayer – received, ignited, and being answered through His divine action. Never give up on your prayers…or your heavenly Father. His ways are not our ways. Therefore, His answer will most likely come in ways, means and timing that are not within your limited expectations. Trust Him and give Him praise in the midst of the storm…while you are waiting for His perfect answer to your prayers.

Prayer is our earthly opportunity for direct communication with God. Our Heavenly Father loves you. He is waiting to hear from you about all of the circumstances of your life. May you be blessed with lots of daily two-way conversations with Him. May your relationship with His Son, Jesus Christ grow as you draw nearer to Him.

God is our Abba Father…or Daddy Father.

Many of us had or have difficult, unsafe, or no relationship with our earthly father. Many of us lost trust in – and respect for – people who were supposed to protect and love us. It is important to know that it is safe to go to Abba Father with all of our questions, concerns, heartache, joy, hurt, pain, sorrow, fear, stress, addictions, anger, brokeness, frustration, passion, hate…and everything else that affects us daily.

Our Abba Father is wise, tender, gentle, honest and truthful. He is the only one who can truly give us the unconditional love we all seek. My earthly father died in the hospital during an open-heart surgery when I was seven years old. I felt alone and abandoned. It took me a very long time to trust, in faith, that God would not also abandon me. However, it was when I absorbed the concept that my Heavenly Father would never leave me- or forsake me – that I was finally able to pour out my heart to Him in prayer.

I do not know your life circumstances at this moment. You may be a blood bought believer child of God. Or, this may be your first exposure to Christianity and the concept of having an Abba Father who knows and loves you – right now, today…in the midst of your sin.

You may or may not have accepted Jesus as your Lord and Savior. Therefore, I will take this opportunity to invite you to know Him who went to the cross for you. He is the door to eternal salvation. His word in the Holy Bible tells us that if we open the door when He knocks, He will come in. This may be your time to open that door.

If you choose and are ready, please repeat the following prayer:

Dear God, my Abba Father, I come to You because I believe Your Son, Jesus Christ was born, died on the cross for my sins, and was resurrected so that I may have eternal life through Him. I repent of my sins, and accept that Jesus’ shed blood and crucified body was full atonement for all of my sins. I submit my life and all of my works to You dear Lord. I trust, in faith, that You will make me over into Your blood bought child, and I will never be alone or fatherless again. These things I pray in the name of Your Son, Jesus Christ. Amen.

Dear ones, it is my honor to agree with you in prayer that your Abba Father will meet your every need in His perfect time.

Father, I come before You so humbled in Your presence dear Lord. You, who knew each of us before we were formed in our mother’s womb…and before the foundation of the world, care more deeply for us than we can possibly understand or imagine. I ask dear Lord, in the name, power, and authority of Your Son, Jesus Christ, that You meet each and every need presented here according to Your will. Father, I pray You will touch and inspire Your children through the power and guidance of the most Holy Spirit to minister to one another – in love, with mercy and hope.

I also pray Your words in Jeremiah 29:11 over all who are visiting ‘JESUS…My Lord and Savior’: For I know the thoughts I think toward you, says the LORD, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope.

Father I pray that each of these – your children – receives and accepts Your loving plan for them…in name of Your Son, Jesus I pray. – Amen

©All Rights Reserved -Anastasia Diamond Bookmark and Share

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