
Posts Tagged ‘Holy Spirit’

Happy Birthday America!

Jesus my Lord and Savior

© All Rights Reserved 2011 – Anastasia Diamond

The 4th of July is ‘Independence Day’ in the United States.

Happy 235th Birthday and may God bless America! Yes…I am an American. I still get that lump in my throat and catch in my heart at the sight of our flag, or singing our national anthem; The Star Spangled Banner. I love my country and know that I am blessed to live in the land of the free and home of the brave.

Today I also want to talk about a another kind of independence…

Long before America declared independence from England…God, the Creator of all that is, our heavenly Abba Father, gave us the free will to be independent in the thoughts of our mind, words of our mouth, and actions of our body. Though He knew some would stray and some would cleave…He gave us that choice.

However, He also  gave us the opportunity to become His blood-bought children when we repent of our poor choices and accept His Son, Jesus as our Lord and Savior  Additionally, when we realize this is only our temporary earthly home, we can choose to relinquish our passport to worldly things, submit our will to His…and through faith, become more dependent on Him.

Yes, of course we will still make personal choices. However, when we ask for His daily guidance and direction…our choices are tempered by His indwelling Holy Spirit, and the process of sanctification. Therefore, we will have more of Him and less of us in the choices we make.

He enlightens us mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually. He teaches us that we cannot go to some of the places we used to go; We cannot look at some of the things we used to look at; We cannot think about some of the things we used to think about; We cannot listen to some of the things we used to listen to; We cannot say some of the things we used to say; We cannot wear some of the things we used to wear…and we cannot do some of the things we used to do.

Then, if or when we do make poor choices, His Holy Spirit lovingly, yet persistently, convicts our heart…teaching and reminding us of who were are in Him; our righteousness in Christ, that we will learn to make better choices…all to His glory.

Is the loss of our spiritual independence a negative?

I don’t think so. Rather, it is an opportunity to partner with our Creator, who has known us since before we were formed in our mother’s womb. It is such an amazing opportunity to live life in agreement with His perfect plan.

“For I know the plans I have for you, declares the LORD, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” Jeremiah 29:11

We exchange spiritual aloneness for a precious blood-bought relationship with the only begotten Son of God…and are promised life in eternity with Him.

We receive spiritual wisdom, guidance and discernment from His most Holy Spirit.

We are healed, sealed, and blessed with the anointed blood of Jesus; giving us a covering and protection from the evil one.

Our sins are forgiven and covered with His divine grace and mercy.

Do you find it difficult to trust an unseen God with your life? Yet, you trust man and governments you can see with your life…and they fail you daily.

“God is not a man, that he should lie; neither the son of man, that he should repent: has he said, and shall he not do it? or has he spoken, and shall he not make it good?”  –Numbers 23:19

Declare and celebrate your personal Independence Day. Use your God-given free will…and give it all back to Him! He will take the broken pieces of your life that may have been meant for evil…and use them for good.

“And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.” –Romans 8:28

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Godly New Year's Resolutions

Blooming in Transparency before GOD

JESUS my Lord and Savior
© All Rights Reserved -Anastasia Diamond
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Making and Keeping Godly New Year’s Resolutions

Though we realize nothing supernatural actually occurs on January 1st, we none-the-less like the idea of and opportunity for new beginnings that come with a new year.

I have not found anything in the Bible that specifically speaks for or against New Year’s resolutions.

However, Philippians 4:13 declares: “I can do everything through Him who gives me strength.”

John 15:5 proclaims: “I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in Me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from Me you can do nothing.”

And, Psalm 37:4 promises: “Take delight in the LORD, and he will give you the desires of your heart.”

These scriptures remind us…

  • It is God who empowers us. He grants us favor, and fulfills our inner most wants and needs when we joyfully abide in Him.
  • God sustains us. We are completely dependent upon Him and truly productive only when we remain connected to Him, our source.
  • We are able to accomplish everything in accord with God’s divine will, plan and purpose…when we submit our will to His.

A resolution is a determined decision in the form of verbal or written goals to make mental, emotional, physical, financial, or spiritual changes for the better.

New Beginnings!

What kind of resolutions

do Christ-followers make?

Are we making resolutions to change habits about smoking, drinking, weight lose, addictions, finances, family, relationships…or are we making vows and promises to God to increase our spiritual relationship with Him?

Even among Christians, the majority of New Year’s resolutions are mostly earthly, not spiritual. However, as you may expect, many Christians do make resolutions to attend church, pray, and read the Bible more often. Though truly wonderful goals, unfortunately, they are often broken as quickly as non-spiritual resolutions.

Whether earthly or spiritual, New Year’s resolutions have no value without having right motivation. Therefore, we must ask ourselves, why we want to make the change, and if the result will glorify God.

Stand close to God; with Him center in your New Year’s resolution. Be connected to the source of His perfect will for your life, spiritual growth, and earthly success in this coming new year.

  • Pray for Holy Spirit wisdom and guidance in choosing Godly resolutions.
  • Pray for discernment, knowledge and understanding in keeping your resolutions.
  • Trust God’s strength and read His Word for encouragement.
  • Seek a prayer/accountability partner who will come-alongside and encourage you to keep your resolutions with hope, faith  and joyful expectation.
  • Accept that you may have setbacks in keeping your resolutions, but a setback does not have to mean failure.
  • Give God the praise and glory in all things.

May you have a joy-filled and truly blessed New Year. Travel ‘Light’ my dear friend.

Lovingly, in HIS name -Anastasia

**Click the links below for more New Years related posts on this blog**

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JESUS…was born, lived and died for our salvation

JESUS my Lord and Savior

©All Rights Reserved-Anastasia Diamond

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Making room for JESUS in the inn of your heart

JESUS was conceived by the Holy Spirit of God in a young virgin called Mary.

JESUS is the second part of the Holy Trinity; the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, who existed before the creation of the world.

JESUS is the only begotten Son of God, who came to us in as a baby in human form to offer and fulfill God’s perfect plan and purpose.

JESUS came to live and die for all of us in payment for our sins.

JESUS provided the free gift of salvation to everyone who chooses to accept it…and follow Him.

Scripture about the birth of Jesus

Isaiah 7:14 – Prophecy…a virgin will bear a son

Therefore the Lord Himself will give you a sign: Behold, a virgin will be with child and bear a son, and she will call His name Immanuel.”

Isaiah 9:6 –Prince of Peace

For a child will be born to us, a son will be given to us; And the government will rest on His shoulders; And His name will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Eternal Father, Prince of Peace.

Matthew 1:16 – Jesus, Mary and Joseph

to Jacob was born Joseph the husband of Mary, by whom was born Jesus, who is called Christ.

Matthew 1:21 Son and Savior, called Jesus

And she will bear a Son; and you shall call His name Jesus, for it is He who will save His people from their sins.”

Luke 1:3 – The Son of God

And the angel answered and said to her, “The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you; and for that reason the holy offspring shall be called the Son of God

Luke 1:14 – Rejoice

“And you will have joy and gladness, and many will rejoice at his birth.

Matthew 2:1 – Jesus born in Bethlehem

Now after Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea in the days of Herod the king, behold, magi from the east arrived in Jerusalem

Luke 2:9-12 – Good News and Great Joy

And an angel of the Lord suddenly stood before them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them; and they were terribly frightened. And the angel said to them, “Do not be afraid; for behold, I bring you good news of a great joy which shall be for all the people; for today in the city of David there has been born for you a Savior, who is Christ the Lord. “And this will be a sign for you: you will find a baby wrapped in cloths, and lying in a manger.”

Luke 2:21 – They named Him JESUS

And when eight days were completed before His circumcision, His name was then called Jesus, the name given by the angel before He was conceived in the womb.

John 1:14 –The Word became flesh

And the Word became flesh, and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory, glory as of the only begotten from the Father, full of grace and truth.

My favorite childhood Christmas carol

‘Away in the Manger’

Away in a manger, no crib for a bed,
The little Lord Jesus laid down his sweet head.
The stars in the sky looked down where he lay,
The little Lord Jesus asleep in the hay.

The cattle are lowing, the baby awakes,
But little Lord Jesus no crying he makes.
I love Thee, Lord Jesus, look down from the sky
And stay by my cradle ’til morning is nigh.

Be near me, Lord Jesus, I ask Thee to stay
Close by me forever, and love me, I pray.
Bless all the dear children in thy tender care,
And take us to heaven, to live with Thee there.

Words: John McFarland (1851-1913). Music: James Murray, 1887

JESUS is knocking!

I pray you will open the door to the inn of your

heart, and receive HIM…

God’s divine gift of salvation this Christmas.

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Happy and Blessed Birthday to Me!

JESUS My Lord and Savior

© All Rights Reserved -Anastasia Diamond

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Prayerful reflections on my life…as I approach my 64th birthday

Birthdays are such a precious time to celebrate all that God can do in the life of those who choose to follow HIM.

I never thought I would live this long! But…I am so very happy, pleased and blessed that I have.

I am so immeasurably grateful that I answered the Holy Spirit’s call on my life.

I have absolutely no doubt that I would have died in my sin…so many years ago…for so many reasons…had I not chosen to follow Jesus.

I am a sinner…saved and forgiven by HIS grace, and through His mercy.

I remember the audible pounding in my heart…as HE convicted me…and called me to choose, and follow Jesus.

Dear Abba Father, I praise You and thank You…for my New Birth Day…the day I was re-born, in and through You.

Dear Abba Father, I praise You and thank You…that You never gave up on me during all those years I searched for Your truth in so many strange, mystical, and occult places.

Dear Abba Father, I praise You and thank You…that You never gave up on me as I stumbled in my unrepentant sinfulness.

Dear Abba Father, I praise You and thank You… that You never gave up on me when I was so very unlovable in the thoughts of my mind, words of my mouth, and actions of my body.

Dear Abba Father, I praise You and thank You…that You loved me in the midst of my sin…while giving me a hope and promise for a new beginning, in and through Your Son, Jesus.

Dear Abba Father, I praise You and thank You…that You continue to love me today…in the midst of my continuing human frailties.

Dear Abba Father, I praise You and thank You…for giving me Your Holy Spirit wisdom, guidance, and correction.

Dear Abba Father, I praise You and thank You… for the process of sanctification…as I grow in submitting my will to Your divine will for my life.

Dear Abba Father, I praise You and thank You…that You have made beauty of the ashes of my life.

Dear Abba Father, I praise You and thank You…for the family, friends and foes in my life…as I grow from every relationship, when I submit them all to You.

Dear Abba Father, I praise You and thank You…that You sent Your Son, Jesus Christ…to live, die, and resurrect for me.

Dear Abba Father, I praise You and thank You… for every moment of my life; each has drawn me closer to You, which is the only place I want to be.

Dear Abba Father, I praise You and thank You…for the rest of my life; may I live every day drawing closer to You, walking Your narrower road…and reflecting Your light and love, in Your Name, to all I meet

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How Far We Have Come From Here!!!

JESUS My Lord and Savior

© 2009-2010 All Rights Reserved -Anastasia Diamond

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And HE (Jesus) said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation.” -Mark 16:15

What an amazing time to be alive!

There has been no other time in history when Christ-Followers had the ability to instantly carry out that Great Commission; communicating the good news…to every corner of the globe…in a matter of seconds. Yes, we have satellites and cable television providing mass media to the world. However, on a more personal level, the Internet is the individual’s answer to Jesus’  universal call to ‘go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation’.

The Internet is overflowing with social networking sites representing hundreds of millions of users worldwide. As of June 2010, there were reportedly over 11.4 million blogs hosted on WordPress.com alone.

Unfortunately, it is true that many people use the internet for negative purposes. However, there is a divine movement of Christians who use the internet to minister to others, coupled with seekers, who scan the internet to find answers to their spiritual questions. There are also so many lost and hurting people who will not enter a church, but will engage in conversation and accept online prayer from a stranger.

Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will direct your paths. -Proverbs 3:5-6

One of the ways Christ-Followers are taking up the challenge to acknowledge HIM in all their ways is by establishing Christian websites, blogs, and other social networking sites. We are also utilizing established sites like Twitter, Facebook, MySpace, and YouTube to go into all the world to preach the good news to all creation.

Though I had used computers since the 1970’s, and the internet since the mid 90’s, I had never visited or seen a blog site, Facebook or Twitter! I really didn’t know what they were, or give them much thought.

Interestingly, though I was quite ignorant of these new ministry opportunities…the most Holy Spirit of God was not.

HE continually whispered to my heart about websites, blogs, and other social media that could and should be used for HIS divine purposes.  HE clearly impressed upon my heart that this was yet another…and more current way…for Christians to carry out the Great Commission.

To be obedient to this calling, though I wasn’t exactly sure what I was doing, I started putting together a small free website through my internet carrier. I told my daughter that I also planned to have a blog on the site. Thankfully, she wisely asked…”Who will see it???” Then she recommended I create a WordPress blog instead. Thanks Danise! I appreciate your insight. Danise is a wonderful woman, and minster of God’s Word. About 6 months later, she also started a blog:  http://danisedelights.wordpress.com/

In my continuing desire to gather…two or more…in the mighty, powerful, and anointed name of Jesus Christ, and to carry out the Great Commission…I posted my first blog on April 10, 2009. I started my Twitter account 16 days later…and Facebook shortly there after. I use these online opportunities to minister and offer prayer in HIS name.

Today, my WordPress blog, Facebook and Twitter are part of my daily ministry life.

They are added blessed opportunities  to acknowledge HIM in all my ways…and to carry out the Great Commission to my little flock… throughout the world. Yes, the world! I am blessed with followers from around the world. Some, know Jesus…while some do not. It is my opportunity to be one of HIS representatives to all the world; one person at a time.

Currently, you might preach, hand out faith-based tracts, minister over a cup of tea, teach Sunday school, be a prayer warrior, visit hospitals, convalescent homes, or prisons; share scripture, hold a Bible study; sing, paint or make something to glorify God, or have any other wonderful and much-needed form of ministry. I urge all Christ-Followers to find new and challenging ways to acknowledge HIM in all of your ways…and  carry out the Great Commission to your little flock.

Like me, and so many others…it may be time to step out of your comfort zone.

Is it time for you to start a Christian blog, where you write about your current ministry, and encourage  a new and growing little flock on the internet? You can  start an online ministry posting scriptures, have a site offering prayer, post your inspirational writing or poems, post Christian humor, have a  site offering Biblical perspectives on current world issues, a ministry site for men, women, relationships, couples or children; a site offering Christian resources, promote Christian values, review Christian movies, offer Christian products…the possibilities are endless.

There is always room for one more Christ-Follower online. Your words are exactly what someone needs, and is waiting to hear. What are you waiting for? It often doesn’t cost anything but some of your time. If I can do it…you can do it.

Why not make your time online count for something.

Twitter and Facebook are two free,very easy, and great ways to minister, connect with friends, relatives, and make new friends…while carrying out the Great Commission to all the world.

Your little flock is waiting to hear you acknowledge HIM in all your ways. Be  a blessing…and be blessed in all you do in HIS name.

For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. -John 3:16

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May Your Roots Grow Deep and Wide

JESUS My Lord and Savior ©Anastasia Diamond

All Rights Reserved ©2009-2010

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Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be men of courage; be strong. 1 Corinthians 16:13

As Christ-Followers, we are to stand on the rock of our salvation; our foundation in Jesus Christ. In the midst of our trials, when all around us is shaking, we are to stand. That is so much easier said than done, for our faith and hope tends to waver in difficult times. Most assuredly, in what many are calling ‘the end times’, Christ-Followers are feeling the heat of increasing persecution, and the rumblings of things to come. This is not the time to give up, or give in. Our Abba Father grafted us into His kingdom for such a time as this.

Like you, my foundation has shaken a bit at times. Ultimately, and to His glory, we have stood; we do now stand, and pray by His grace that we will continue to stand. However, there are those wispy fragments of time; seasons when an unexpected tug of instability pulls extra hard, attempting to tip our foundation. We are human, not God…therefore, we do walk in dark valleys, and we do grow weary at times.

Sometimes…weariness manifests as stray thoughts, disappointment, fear, or feeling lost, abandoned or alone. At times, doubts caused by unanswered theological questions, or feeling discouraged over unfulfilled hopes, dreams, promises, or unanswered prayers threaten and shake our foundation. And, at times, weariness comes as we walk through overwhelming, deep, dry and isolated places…mentally, emotionally, physically or spiritually.

Sometimes we feel God has turned a deaf ear to our prayers. And, sometimes we feel God heard our prayers, but is punishing or ignoring us because of something we did…or did not do.

Living in wavering hope and faith too long may completely shake our foundation; opening the door to long-term depression, Christian cynicism, spiritual oppression, hopelessness…or permanent disappointment and anger with God.

However, remembering who we are as blood-bought bodies of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ…resets our balance, refreshes our faith, restores our hope, and re-secures our foundation in Him.

Joshua Gove

Just as Joshua Trees Grow and Thrive in Groves…      Christ-Followers Grow and Thrive in Fellowship

May I draw your attention to the unique Joshua tree; named by Mormon pioneers while crossing the desert. The strange, reaching branches reminded them of Old Testament Joshua; reaching his hands heavenward in prayer; waving them on to the Promised Land. Let the Joshuas encouraging wave you on…through your dry times and desert moments.

The Joshua tree is a member of the lily family; the largest of the yuccas. Joshuas grow only at elevations from 2,000 to 6,000 feet in the high and dry Mojave Desert, where they can live up to an astounding 1,000 years old! I am truly blessed to live where the Joshuas grow, and give personal testimony of their wonder.

Joshua trees have two root systems. The first is shallow, reaching down only a couple of feet. The second stores surplus water, develops massive bulbs, grows wide, and up to 40 feet deep. In the midst of the dryness of the desert, when all around them without a firm foundation are shaking, and may fall…the Joshua tree stands!

Let us remember that a single, shallow root will not sustain our faith. We also need a deep and wide spiritual root system. Nature sustains Joshuas in groups called groves. God sustains Christ-Followers in groups called fellowship.

The Joshua’s spiny leaf turns upwards in hopes it will catch any moisture in the air, which it then stores in the limbs and trunk. Let us also turn our prayers upwards, that we will receive and store the watering of Holy Spirit guidance…coupled with God’s Word reigning in our heart.

Joshua Tree in Bloom!
Allow the Holy Spirit to Bloom and Produce Good Fruit in You

Joshuas bear 1.25 to 1.5 inch creamy yellow and green, bell-shaped flowers, with 12 to 18 inch clusters on each branch.  Unfortunately, some trees do not bloom annually, but for those that do…the flowers, though beautiful, give off a very unpleasant odor.

The fruit of the Joshua is green, brown, and about 2.5 inches long. The fruit, which matures in late spring, falls from the branches;  dropping flat, black seeds on the desert floor.

Only the Pronuda moth has the special organs needed to fertilize the Joshua flowers. The moth’s larvae feeds on Joshua seeds, which cannot reproduce without the moth…which is equally dependent on the tree. Likewise, Christ-Followers are dependent on God’s Holy Spirit to fertilize and produce good fruit in us in His name. In turn, Almighty God has faith in His Christ-Followers…that we will carry out His great commission.

The  government protects Joshua trees; you must have permission to cut one down, even on your own property. Our Abba Father protects His Christ-Followers; only He holds the number of our days in His hand.

May we, like the Joshua tree, stand through our dry times…and not be shaken. May we have fellowship, praise Him in all things, and produce good fruit in His name.

May we reach to the heavens with our prayers, and may the roots of our hope and our faith…grow deep and wide; watered by the divine Word of God.

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All Rights Reserved ©2009-2010…”JESUS my Lord and Savior-ANASTASIA DIAMOND’S Prayerful Reflections…and Photographs on a Spiritual Journey from Darkness into HIS Light” Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from Anastasia Diamond is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided full and clear credit is given author/photographer and with appropriate and specific direction to the original content at: https://jesusmylordandsavior.wordpress.com/      Bookmark and Share

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Jesus, my Lord and Savior Anastasia Diamond

All Rights Reserved © 2009-2010

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“For I know the plans I have for you”…declares the LORD…“plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” Jeremiah 29:11

I am always so gratefully humbled by the knowledge that our heavenly Abba Father has thoughts and plans about and for me.

I am continually in awe that the Almighty Divine Creator of all that ever has been, is now and ever will be…desires that I prosper, have a future, and a hope.

Dear one…rejoice! God has these same encouraging thoughts and plans for you and your life.

No matter your current circumstances or beliefs, our Abba Father has never stopped loving you. In fact, He loves you more than any person here on earth ever has, ever will…or is able.

God loves you more than your mother, father, grandparents, children, husband, wife, girlfriend, boyfriend, brother, sister, aunts, uncles, cousins, friends…or fans.

He is the only One who will never leave you or forsake you.

He is with you now. He knows your needs before you even ask; for He has known you since before He formed you in your mother’s womb.

No matter what others may tell you, God has never stopped His loving thoughts and plans toward you. No matter what you think or believe…or how you feel at times…He has not, and will not, leave you or forsake you.

God is ever-present, through His most Holy Spirit. He remains a loving, caring Abba Father… watching over you. He is ready, willing…and able…to give you the guidance and direction you are seeking.

God has a storehouse of overflowing blessings waiting just for you, today…and always.

Does that mean life will always be easy or perfect. No!

Does it mean you can claim your righteous, blood-bought, place in the anointed family of God? Yes!

Dear one, though I may not know you,  I believe in you.

I believe in who you are…and who you want to become. Why should I believe in you? I believe in you because I trust in who God says you are, and who you can become…in and through Him.

His Word reminds us that He is no respecter of persons. Therefore, rejoice again! What He thinks and plans for one of His children, He equally plans and thinks for all of His children.

Life is a series of decisions and choices.

Why are we so often resistive to such a loving Father, who has such perfect thoughts and plans for our life? Free will and Fear. We often exert such a strong will to run our own life, that we are fearful of letting go of control…and trusting Him.

May today be the day you decide to trust His thoughts and plans for you.

May today be the day you decide to accept His loving, merciful and gracious promises in your life.

May today be the day you choose to allow His Holy Spirit to guide and direct your path…helping you grow into the man or woman He is calling you to be.

May today be the day you decide to release your fear, and choose to submit your will to His perfect will for your life.

May today be the day you choose to accept and receive God’s only begotten Son, Jesus Christ, as your Lord and Savior…then follow Him into eternity.

Fear not, little flock; for it is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom. –Luke 12:32


All Rights Reserved ©2009-2010…”JESUS my Lord and Savior-ANASTASIA DIAMOND’S Prayerful Reflections…and Photographs on a Spiritual Journey from Darkness into HIS Light” Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from Anastasia Diamond is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided full and clear credit is given author/photographer and with appropriate and specific direction to the original content at: https://jesusmylordandsavior.wordpress.com/

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I like this Flower...I LOVE my Children

JESUS My Lord and Savior

©All Rights Reserved –Anastasia Diamond

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How often do we say, I love this or I love that…when talking about some thing that has no known eternal value?

Our casual wording gives everyday stuff a place of equal importance with the most treasured people and relationships in our life. In doing so, we speak words that unthinkingly may appear to lessen the value of our most important love relationships by comparison.

Should the words we speak equally compare the lustful attraction we may have to a chocolate chip cookie, piece of jewelry, an electronic gadget, a sport, a game, or a new car…with the blessings of the love we have for and share with, our children, husband, wife, parents, family, friends…or Jesus?

What a ridiculous comparison. Yet, every time we speak the word love in relation to stuff…we verbally exalt that stuff to a place of honor…while diminishing by comparison, the value of our love relationships with people and with God.

I don’t know about you, but I am wondering how I can possibly continue to use the same word when saying I love (fill in the blank with your favorite stuff) …I love you…and I love Jesus?

Continuing to do so feels like an implied insult to our loved ones…and most especially to the holy name and nature of God our Creator, His Holy Spirit, and His Son; Jesus Christ.

Clearly, English lacks the love-word options offered in Greek and some other languages. However, I can train the English words of my mouth to define the differences. Therefore, I challenge myself to this change.

This is my prayer:

Heavenly Father, I want the position of my heart and the words of my mouth to match.

May my words express that I like my stuff…and I love my people; most of all You dear God.

Father, I pray for Your Holy Spirit wisdom, discernment and knowledge…that I will make proper word choices to express my emotional attachment, attraction, or reaction to…all worldly stuff.

No matter what stuff I am talking about… I submit all stuff – every thing – to You for clarification of its’ true worth: home, belongings, gifts, music, movie, song, TV show, computer, car, circumstance, antique, money, flower, collectible, furniture, food, book, restaurant, color, clothes, shoes, phone, place….and more. I submit it all to You.

I pray I will remember to save all of my true love-words for people…and for You.

Dear Abba Father, I love You.

I pray You will continue to teach me…that I will receive and understand more from Your precious mind and heart of love.

These things I pray…in the name, power, and authority of Your Son, Jesus. Amen…and amen.

All Rights Reserved ©2009-2010…”JESUS my Lord and Savior-ANASTASIA DIAMOND’S Prayerful Reflections…and Photographs on a Spiritual Journey from Darkness into HIS Light” Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from Anastasia Diamond is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided full and clear credit is given author/photographer and with appropriate and specific direction to the original content at: https://jesusmylordandsavior.wordpress.com/

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Jesus my Lord and Savior

©All Rights Reserved-Anastasia Diamond

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Was Jesus Christ truly God manifest on earth in the flesh?

If that is true, and I believe it is… Christmas is actually the glorious celebration of Almighty God, the Creator of the universe, fulfilling Biblical Messianic prophecy when He came to earth manifest as our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, over 2000 years ago.

Almighty God has always been with us in that He has always been with His creation. However, this all powerful Creator chose to have an even closer relationship with His creation.

The birth, life, and death of Jesus was Almighty God’s personal demonstration of His Divine will for each of us to have an opportunity to go to Heaven… and live life everlasting…with Him.

God chose a young virgin for Jesus’ mother, and a humble manger in Bethlehem for His birthplace. Did you know that Jesus’ birth alone fulfilled 48 of the over 300 prophecies about Him.

This Christmas, let us celebrate the birth of the Son…and the manifestation of the Father, God Almighty in His Son. For the true message of Christmas is one that is close to incomprehensible: Our Creator and Abba Father, the One and and only Almighty God chose to come to earth as one of us, that He could live and die for us.

For it is God Himself who lies in that manger; vulnerable and human, while still Divinely omniscient (all knowing), omnipotent (all-powerful) and omnipresent (present in every place at the same time).

Almighty God came to us, embodied as His only begotten Son, the baby Jesus. His sole purpose was to understand, forgive, and take our sins upon Himself; that He may live and die for us.

This Christmas, yes…let us celebrate the birth of the baby, Jesus. Let us  also celebrate the divine gift and sacrificial offering of our heavenly Father, God Almighty, for He chose to give Himself to live and die for me…and for you.

Scripture from the King James version of the Holy Bible

“Therefore the Lord himself shall give you a sign; Behold, a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and shall call his name Emmanuel. ” Isaiah 7:14

“Behold, a virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth a son, and they shall call his name Emmanuel, which being interpreted is, God with us.”           Matthew 1:23

“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God; and all things were made through Him and apart from Him nothing was made which was made…And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory, glory as of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth”  John 1:1-3, 14

Jesus said:

“I and the Father are one.” John 10:30

“I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. If you know me, you will know my Father also.”  Jon 14:6-

“Whoever hates me hates my Father also.”  John 15:23

“If I am not doing the works of my Father, then do not believe me; but if I do them, even though you do not believe me, believe the works, that you may know and understand that the Father is in me and I am in the Father.” John 10:37-38

“Do you not believe that I am in the Father, and the Father in me? The words that I say to you I do not speak on my own authority; but the Father who dwells in me does his works.” John 14:10

“Very truly I tell you, the Son can do nothing on his own, but only what he sees the Father doing; for whatever the Father does, the Son does likewise. The Father loves the Son and shows him all that he himself is doing; and he will show him greater works than these, so that you will be astonished.” John 5:19-20

“The Father judges no one but has given all judgment to the Son, so that all may honor the Son just as they honor the Father. Anyone who does not honor the Son does not honor the Father who sent him.” John 5:22-23

“If God were your Father, you would love me, for I came from God and now I am here. I did not come on my own, but he sent me.”  John 8:42

“All things have been handed over to me by my Father; and no one knows who the Son is except the Father, or who the Father is except the Son and anyone to whom the Son chooses to reveal him.” Luke 10:22

All Rights Reserved ©2009-2010…”JESUS my Lord and Savior-ANASTASIA DIAMOND’S Prayerful Reflections…and Photographs on a Spiritual Journey from Darkness into HIS Light” Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from Anastasia Diamond is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided full and clear credit is given author/photographer and with appropriate and specific direction to the original content at: https://jesusmylordandsavior.wordpress.com/

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The Royal Family of the KING of KINGS...With Privlege Comes Great Responsibility

The Royal Family of the KING of KINGS .....With Privilege Comes Great Responsibility

JESUS my Lord and Savior

©All Rights Reserved-Anastasia Diamond

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When we accept Jesus as our Lord and Savior, we are grafted into the royal family of the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. Therefore, as is tradition in all royal families, with privilege…comes great responsibility.

Earthly sons and daughters of royalty have inherited an obligation to stand for the heritage of their time-honored family, and the world-presence of their nation. These royal offspring are given amazing favor, acclaim and protection wherever they go. However, they are also held to a higher standard. They are expected to be goodwill ambassadors for their family and kingdom …and to the people of all the nations.

The rest of the world watches these favored children. How are they different? How are they the same?  How do they live? What do they think? What do they say? Where do they go? What do they do? Who are they with? What are they wearing? What are they eating? What are they drinking? Watching – watching ever so closely… to see if they will stumble.

If for any reason these children of earthly royalty do fall, the watchers are there waiting…snaring, pointing fingers, and declaring their wrong doings for the entire world to see.

Some of these privileged children may choose to denounce their royal heritage. In doing so, they make life choices that are against the dictates of their royal family calling… and walk  from the covering of royal protection. In doing so, they choose to abdicate their honored position and relinquish all former royal favor and award. In doing so, they choose to not carry out their royal birthright responsibilities as a child of their king.  In doing so…to their family, kingdom, and the world…they become a commoner among the people.

Do you see similarities with earthly royal children and the blood-bought royal family of believers of Jesus Christ? He wore a crown of thorns for us…so we can be crowned in eternal glory with Him. By accepting and receiving our royal birthright as children of the King of Kings, we have acclaimed distinction and favor – coupled with a Divine covenant of mercy, grace and responsibility. And, because God will not force HIS will on anyone…we have free will to choose to follow Him…or the world.

The world also watches Christians. How are they different? How are they the same? How do they live? What do they think? What do they say? Where do they go? What do they do? Who are they with? What are they wearing? What are they eating? What are they drinking? Watching – watching ever so closely… to see if they will stumble.

If for any reason these children of heavenly royalty do fall, the watchers are there waiting…snaring, pointing fingers, and declaring their wrong doings for the entire world to see.

With the privilege of being HIS child…comes great responsibility. With the honor, favor and reward that comes with being a royal child of the Most High God…also comes the call to stand for His Kingdom. All Christians… AKA Christ followers, are called to be salt and light in the darkness. They are called to repent and turn from their sins. They are called to be pure and holy as He is pure and holy. They are called to live a righteous life…causing none who see them to stumble or fall. They are called be ready to give a testimony of the cause of their hope. They are called to make a joyful noise unto the Lord. They are called to anoint, lay hands, and heal the sick. The are called to not be ashamed of HIM. They are called to praise Him in all things. They are called to pray in the name of Jesus. They are called to judge not…lest they be judged. They are called to stand when all around them are falling. They are called to submit their will to their Father’s will for them. They are called to have God’s Word written in their hearts. They are called to live each day, ready to go home with HIM. They are called to be fishers of men. And then comes the call  to carry out the great commission…to go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature.

Sons and daughters of heavenly royalty are Princes and Princesses in His Kingdom. They have inherited an obligation to stand for the Divine heritage of the family of God and the presence of His divine Kingdom. These royal offspring of the King of Kings are given His amazing favor, acclaim and divine hedge of protection wherever they go. However, they are also held to a much higher standard. They are expected to be Almighty God’s goodwill ambassadors for His eternal Kingdom – to the people of all the nations.

Some of God’s  privileged children may choose to denounce their royal heritage, in and through Jesus Christ. In doing so, they make a free-will choice that is against the mind and heart of God, and His perfect will for their life. They choose to step out from under His Divine covering of royal protection and Holy Spirit guidance. In doing so, they choose to abdicate their honored eternal position in heaven; relinquishing all royal favor and reward. In doing so, they choose to not carry out their royal birthright responsibilities as an anointed child of the King of Kings.  In doing so…they again become a commoner among the people.

You can choose to walk away from HIM and live in the world…to go the way of the world and do what they do. Or, you can choose to follow in the way of the Master. Choose wisely dear one. Worldly gifts and pleasures are temporary and tarnish with time. God’s gifts and rewards for HIS children are eternal and shine with HIS Divine Light. The privilege of being a royal child of the King of Kings comes with the blessing of the profound responsibility to carry HIS Word on the narrower road into an eternity with HIM.

All Rights Reserved ©2009-2010…”JESUS my Lord and Savior-ANASTASIA DIAMOND’S Prayerful Reflections…and Photographs on a Spiritual Journey from Darkness into HIS Light” Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from Anastasia Diamond is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided full and clear credit is given author/photographer and with appropriate and specific direction to the original content at: https://jesusmylordandsavior.wordpress.com/

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JESUS my Lord and Savior

All Rights Reserved ©2009-2010 -Anastasia Diamond

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My Abba Father loves me yesterday, today and forever

My Daddy Died…He Can’t Wear a Tie

My earthly father died in February the year I was seven years old. The following June brought an empty Father’s Day to a little girl still mourning the loss of her daddy.  However – to my first grade teacher – making a Father’s Day tie was the scheduled class project that Friday. Everyone would make a paper tie to surprise their fathers…even me.

With mist clouding my eyes, I attempted to refuse. I stammered as I told her I just couldn’t do that – my father was gone. He went to the hospital and never came back. She looked at me with unseeing eyes and listened with unhearing ears…telling me, “Everyone must make a tie today.”

Tears welled up in my eyes that morning, as they are again…this many years later. I protested – telling her as clearly as a shy and stuttering seven-year old could: “You don’t understand, my daddy died on the operation table…he can’t wear a tie.” I will never know this woman’s heart, mind, or motivation at that moment – as she continued her stern demand that I make that tie…and without tears.

My daddy can’t wear a tie…

I Felt Defeated…and So Very Small

I felt defeated and very small, as I  chose brightly colored crayons, thought of my daddy…and made him a paper tie that he would never see or wear. A tie that he would never applaud or make me feel special for giving it to him. My best friend hugged me and told me I made the best tie –  my daddy would have loved it. I started thinking that maybe he really could see it. However, I crumpled and tore it up before that Father’s Day came and went.

It took a while for me to forgive my teacher – but I did. However, I spent many more years missing my father…knowing I would never feel the safety of his arms again.  He would never again cuddle me to him and tell me how much he loved me.

I Know My Abba Father Was There

Today, I know that my heavenly Abba Father was there while I made that paper tie – loving me through my loss, grief, frustration and anger. Today, I know that He is with me in all of my struggles on my journey. Today, I go to my Abba Father, who draws me close and tells me how much He loves me – yesterday, today, and for eternity.

HE is the Father Who Always Has Time for You

Children – you may have a great relationship with your earthly father…or that relationship may be non-existent; through death, distance,  indifference or distain. No matter what the past or present circumstance with your earthly father, please know that you have a heavenly Abba Father, the Creator of all that ever was or is…who loves you more and better than anyone else ever will, could, or would. Please look to Him for the guidance, wisdom, advice, and love you seek. He calls you and all of His children to Him. He is the Father who loves all of His children equally, yet appreciates and acknowledges each of your individual precious and unique gifts and talents. He is the Father who always has time for you.

HE is Patiently Waiting to Give You Fatherly Guidance

Fathers – love your children. Look to your heavenly Abba Father for the strength, wisdom, courage, guidance, and ability to be the man He created you to be as you parent your children. Your Father God,  His Word, and His  most Holy  Spirit will show you the way. Seek out Godly counsel when you are confused, angry and unsure. Talk with your Abba Father. Tell Him your concerns. You can tell Him everything. There are no surprises with Him. There is nothing to big or too small to share with Him.  He is patiently waiting to give you the Fatherly wisdom, guidance, and advice you seek as you parent your children.

HE Sent His Only Begotten Son to Die for You

Celebrate this Father’s Day with your Abba Father. He is waiting to hear from you. He is the Father who loves you so much…He sent Jesus, his only begotten Son to die for you…that you may live.

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All Rights Reserved ©2009-2010…”JESUS my Lord and Savior-ANASTASIA DIAMOND’S Prayerful Reflections…and Photographs on a Spiritual Journey from Darkness into HIS Light” Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from Anastasia Diamond is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided full and clear credit is given author/photographer and with appropriate and specific direction to the original content at: https://jesusmylordandsavior.wordpress.com/

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JESUS my Lord and Savior

©All Rights Reserved-Anastasia Diamond

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Nature's Cathedral

Nature’s Cathedral

The Life Altering Power of Praising God

I cannot think of any thing beyond accepting Jesus as your Lord and Savior that is more powerful and life altering than praising God. Do you remember the depth and breadth of your praise when you first believed? Did His Word, the Holy Bible, illuminate before your astonished eyes…causing you to cry out in spontaneous praise of our Lord and Savior? Were your waking moments and your nightly dreams filled with His presence, and your praise of Him? Did you see His hand at work in everything…and praise Him, the Creator of all that is, in awe of all His creation? Perhaps you were like me, so awestruck by His divine presence, that you were on your face praising Him and glorifying His name every time you prayed…or thought of Him.

It is Never Too Early or Too Late to Start Praising God

It is never too early or too late to start praising God. If you are not familiar with praising Him, start now. Your praise may be loud and filled with shouts. Your praise may be soft and whispered. Your praise may be in song or dance. Your praise may be silent…or in your prayer language. Your praise may be the lifting of your hands, or the lowering of your eyes as you glorify Him. Your praise may be all of this…or something different.

God receives your praise wherever you are, and in whatever you are doing…just as long as you are praising Him; the one and only true Almighty God. You may be alone at home, or in a crowd. You may be in a country church, an elaborate cathedral, or a quiet meadow when you praise Him.

It is the Position of Your Heart That Truly Matters to Him

Although others may tell you differently…the position of your physical body does not really matter when you are praising Him. You may sit, stand, kneel, walk, or lay down…it does not matter. For, it is the position of your heart that truly matters to Him.

Our heavenly Father designed the divine communication process of praise as a catalyst to draw us continually ever closer to Him. His desire is to have a preciously reciprocal relationship with each and every one of us. He is so loving and good to us, that each time we praise Him, we also open the door of our hearts for Him to transform us miraculously into all we can become in Him.

Praise Him in All Things

Praising Him in all things has the power to change us; change how we think, feel, speak, act and react to the circumstances of our life. Praising Him can even change how we look, and how others see us. When God’s divine presence comes to dwell in us through His most Holy Spirit, He softens, molds and shapes us in body, mind and spirit. Changing us into the spirit-filled men and women our Abba Father created us to be.

It may have been a while since you praised Him by making a joyful noise unto the Lord…or you may have never praised Him before. Either way, your ability to praise Him is there, ready and available. Glorify Him today and let His light in you shine. Be that light in the darkness…praising Him in all things, every where you go. Give Him your unconditional praise in every circumstance of your life. Everytime we praise and worship God, we position ourselves nearer to His throne and His perfect will for us.

Rejoice…Make a Joyful Noise…Transform Your Life

Dear ones, rejoice! Lift up your hands, your voices, and your hearts in praise of Him. Make that joyful noise…pray and praise Him without ceasing. Praise Him with renewed commitment, enthusiasm and joy. Allow the power of praising and glorifying God to perform the mighty work of drawing you closer to Him and transforming you into all you can be for Him. Praise Him, in the mighty name, power, and authority of His Son, Jesus Christ. Praise Him today, tomorrow, and for eternity. Transform your life and your relationship with your Abba Father, His Son – Jesus Christ, and His most Holy Spirit. Praise Him.

All Rights Reserved ©2009-2010…”JESUS my Lord and Savior-ANASTASIA DIAMOND’S Prayerful Reflections…and Photographs on a Spiritual Journey from Darkness into HIS Light” Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from Anastasia Diamond is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided full and clear credit is given author/photographer and with appropriate and specific direction to the original content at: https://jesusmylordandsavior.wordpress.com/

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Bring MY Light into Their Darkness

Into His Presence

JESUS my Lord and Savior

©All Rights Reserved-Anastasia Diamond

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There are Opportunities for Prayerful Intercession Everywhere

Do you ever drive or walk around your town praying for those strangers you see along the way? I do…and have for years. There are opportunities for prayerful intercession everywhere. Just look around and ask the Holy Spirit to guide and direct your eyes, your heart, and your mouth.

This morning, my eyes again followed a woman who acts and dresses a bit oddly as she jogs down the streets of my town. I see her almost every day, while driving on my way to work. She often stops to jog-in-place… talking all the while to some unseen companion. I am always on the move, so I have no idea what she is saying, or to whom she is talking. I lifted her up in intercessory prayer this morning…that God would meet her every need, and that she would come to know Jesus, if she doesn’t already. It may be Him she is talking to; I do not know. And, I do not have to know her name…or her specific needs. For our heavenly Father already knows everything about her and loves her more than I ever would or could. It is His precious Holy Spirit who provides His discernment, wisdom and knowledge whenever He leads us to intercede for others.

Tell Him you are ready and willing to intercede for others…and He will make you able

God made intercessory prayer so easy for us to participate. One of my spiritual assignments, if you will, is to respond through intercessory prayer whenever and how ever His Holy Spirit leads me. Do you feel that same calling? If so, talk to your Abba Father. Tell Him you are ready and willing to intercede for others…and He will make you able.

Last week I saw the disheveled man sitting cross-legged in the median of the street close to the freeway. He cradled a cardboard sign and bitterly locked eyes with every driver who passed him by. Although I could pre-suppose many of the circumstances of his current life, I certainly could not know which of life’s trials brought him to that specific apparent broken moment. But… God does know. There is nothing and no one beyond His knowledge and loving care. Our Father, through the Holy Spirit, asked me to pray for this man’s soul. I gratefully accepted in prayerful response…and was blessed in the process, as I praised God for all that He would do in this man’s life. I am often led to sing in the Spirit as I intercede for others, as was the case  while I prayed for this man.

The Holy Spirit often leads me to intercede with a prayer…

The other day, in the midst of the desert heat, it was a middle-aged woman slowly pushing a store cart half-filled with groceries. The Holy Spirit often leads me to intercede with a prayer that God will miraculously provide automobiles for those whose only transportation is their shoe leather.

I have no earthly evidence that anyone for whom I have interceded has received the blessing of a car. However, I do believe, in faith, that it is God’s perfect will for them because of the specific area of need in which the Holy Spirit directed me to intercede for them.

The Holy Spirit chooses the recipient of the intercession…not you

You may be thinking, well she prays for everyone who looks like they may need a car. Not true. I see some people who are walking…even those pushing carts of groceries…and am not led to intercede. I have wondered why myself. However, I have learned that when you commit yourself to intercessory prayer for strangers, the recipient of the intercession is chosen by the Holy Spirit, not you.

Last month I silently prayed for a frustrated young mother and her two small children, as I watched them eating in the fast food restaurant. I was led to pray about very private things in her personal life that I knew nothing about…but God knew.

I have interceded for babies, fragile children, and strong athletes; for those with obvious challenges and those I did not think needed Holy Spirit intercession. Interestingly, at times the intercession lasts long beyond the initial fleeting first moments. Sometimes I carry an intercessory burden for a particular stranger for days, weeks, months, and yes…even years. Again, I can pre-suppose the reasons; but do not actually know why. But, God knows.

I may also be the recipient of Holy Spirit directed intercessory prayer

I doubt that we will ever know the full impact of our intercessory prayers while here on earth. But, maybe… just maybe, we will know more in heaven. It fills my heart with ever increasing joy and hope to know that God may have  strangers praying for me…that I may also be the recipient of Holy Spirit directed intercessory prayer.

The Holy Spirit whispered pray…so I prayed

About three weeks ago, I prayed protection for the teenage girl sitting on a curb… looking lost and so very alone. I remember many years ago, fervently interceding for a young man who was sitting high on a hilltop, looking forlornly at the ocean below…as I drove by him on a freeway. I will never know what his specific need was. The Holy Spirit whispered pray…so I prayed.

The need for intercessory prayer is so great. I know that many of us regularly and prayerfully intercede for friends and family. Never stop this blessing to them. But look around you. There are so many other open opportunities for intercessory prayer. The Holy Spirit can lead us to intercede for specific groups of people who suffer with a similar disease, illness, or problems. Sometimes the Holy Spirit gives me opportunities to pray in intercession for the lonely, bewildered, and grieving. Sometimes I am led to pray for the elderly, as I drive by convalescent homes. And, at times…for those who have no apparent challenge. But…God knows.

The world is full with persons and personalities who God wants to cover with intercessory prayer

Then, there are the public figures and celebrities, who, though recognized by so many…are strangers to most. The world is full with persons and personalities who God wants to cover with intercessory prayer. Do you have a favorite celebrity…or sports team player? Ask God if you should pray in intercession for them.

I often prayerfully intercede for those who are driving too fast…or erratically. It is truly a joy to watch them noticeably slow down as I pray. It is important to remember that it is not me who causes this change in others behavior. Rather, it is He who is in me; God’s Holy Spirit, who I am honored to allow to work through me.

Tomorrow I may be praying for you…or you for me

I automatically pray for police officers, firemen, and ambulance drivers…as they fly by with sirens blaring…as well as for all of those they assist, or will encounter in the course of their duty. Tomorrow I may be praying for you…or you for me. What an absolute blessing it is to submit our will to His and prayerfully intercede for others.

We are our brothers and sisters keeper. We are commissioned to love one another, as Jesus loved the church; His body of believers  here on earth. And, we are all presented with every day opportunities to bless others – even strangers, with intercessory prayer. As an intercessor, the process will soften your heart toward everyone you meet, while you gain in understanding God’s heart toward all of us.

You can be a bridge between God and another who is in need

You can be a bridge between God and another who is in need. Will you accept this holy commission? Will you step up and prayerfully intercede for the strangers among us?

All Rights Reserved ©2009-2010…”JESUS my Lord and Savior-ANASTASIA DIAMOND’S Prayerful Reflections…and Photographs on a Spiritual Journey from Darkness into HIS Light” Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from Anastasia Diamond is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided full and clear credit is given author/photographer and with appropriate and specific direction to the original content at: https://jesusmylordandsavior.wordpress.com/

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JESUS my Lord and Savior

©All Rights Reserved-Anastasia Diamond

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The Many Faces of a Mother’s Love

A Mother’s Love is the Closest Thing to Unconditional Love

A mother’s love is the closest thing to unconditional love we will ever experience here on earth. The birth of a child is the beginning of a lifetime love affair for most mother’s hearts. That child may be her 1st or her 12th; no matter, a mother’s heart is big enough. For, there is no such thing as too many children for a mother’s heart to love. In a perfect world, every mother would fully manifest this capacity…being  that vision of love personified to her children, and her community. However, in the real world, though many mothers may aspire to this, many do not meet the mark – due to her current daily challenges, coupled with history of the unrepaired brokenness in her own life.

God Made Mother’s Hearts Expandable

Sometimes, mothers are blessed with children of her womb. Sometimes, mothers are blessed with children of her heart. Sometimes a delightful and/or difficult combination of both. However and thankfully, though their minds may accept they are not the biological mom, most mother’s hearts do not discern a difference between her birth children, adopted children, step children…and all of the others she gathers along the way who attach to her heart. Each one is a blessing. Each one has his or her own precious place in a mother’s heart. No one has to move over to make room for another. God made a mother’s heart expandable – with a special place and enough love for every child He gives to her.

A Mother’s Love is a Reflection of Our Abba Father’s Love for Us

To be a mother is a gift. To give a child the gift of a mother’s love is a reflection of our Abba Father’s love for us. However, that does not mean it is easy. To love, to truly love…is a daily choice…and can be a burden filled with sacrifice, carried for a lifetime, within a mother’s tender heart.

Praying for Mothers…

Father God, I pray this night for all mothers. I pray for mothers with a history of abandonment, abuse, anger, or broken relationships that may color their ability to more fully demonstrate love in a healthy manner toward their children. I pray for those mothers with mothers who were, or are broken in mind, body or spirit; leaving them a legacy of self-doubt about their own capacity to love. I pray for all of the mothers  raised in loving homes by parents who affirmed them…that they will now lovingly affirm their children. I also pray for every mother who grew up knowing Jesus…that they will now give their children the gift of introducing them to Him.

I pray for mothers with tiny newborn infants clinging to life on heart and lung machines. I pray for the mothers with children who do not have enough to eat, who are dying of starvation in her arms. I pray for every grandmother who is now mother to her grandchildren. I pray for mothers with children who have fragile bodies that are broken, or wracked with disease. I pray for mothers with bright, healthy children who require ongoing daily nourishment for their bodies, minds, and spirits to grow and mature.

I Pray for Mothers Who Do Not Yet Know You

I pray for mothers who do not yet know You dear Lord…and for those who are knowingly or unknowingly presenting their children with false teachings. I pray for mothers who are home-schooling their children, to ensure that You will be in the foundation of their education. I pray for mothers who have children with developmental disabilities, mental illness, and other conditions the world considers different and may not understand. I pray for every mother who never held her miscarried child.

I pray for the single mother who must be both mother and father to her children; may You give her strength and courage. I pray for mothers with young children who need Your guidance and right direction each day to fulfill Your promises in them. I pray for mothers with teenagers, that they will seek Godly counsel and not provoke their children to wrath. I pray for mothers with adult children, that they will reconcile their differences with forgiveness – and not abandon or be abandoned. Dear Lord, I pray for all of the daughters who must now be the mother and care-giver to their aged, ill, or incapacitated mother…who may not even know who she is any more.

I Pray for Every Mother Who Has Injured Her Child in Mind, Body or Spirit

I pray for every expectant mother as she prepares and awaits her coming child. I pray for every mother who has lost her child through her poor choices; resulting in imprisonment, abandonment or divorce. I pray for every mother with children who are lost, that they be found. I pray for every mother who has knowingly or unknowingly injured her children in mind, body or spirit. I pray for every mother who is left with so many unanswerable questions when her child died suddenly in an accident, committed suicide…or was murdered. I pray for every mother with a child who has taken the life of another.

I Pray for Mothers Seeking a Safe Place to Rest Her Head…and Protection for Her Children

Father God, I pray for homeless mothers, who wander, seeking a safe place to rest her head…and protection for her children. I pray for mothers with children who have been kidnapped, sexually abused, or exploited. I pray for all of the mothers who have aborted children from their womb. I pray for all of the mothers who have opened their hearts and homes to children through adoption. I pray for every mother who no longer has her own mother’s love to comfort her. I pray for mothers with children in battle on foreign soil in the service of their country. And, I pray for mothers with children in battle on our streets in service of their gang. I pray for mothers with children who act in ways that make her proud. And, I pray for mothers with children who act in ways that make her ashamed. Sometimes – it is just a different season with the same child.

I Pray for Every Mother Who Has Buried Her Child…Along with the Pieces of Her Broken Heart

I pray for the mothers who have not heard from their child today. Father God, I pray Your perfect peace for mothers, who at this very moment, do not know if their child is dead or alive. I pray for the mothers who are on their knees in daily prayer for guidance, protection, and salvation for their child; that they will make wise choices and understand the consequences of their actions. I pray for the mothers, who in whispers, tears, and pangs of despair…confide in You that it might be better if her child were dead, than to continue living a life of crime or addiction. Father God, I pray every mother who has buried her child, along with the pieces of her broken heart.

I Pray You Will Meet Every Mother’s Spoken and Unspoken Prayer

Dear Father God, I thank you that there is no life circumstance or condition of  heart that is beyond Your loving touch. I pray that all mothers will seek Your face and listen for Your divine guidance. For there is no request any mother can present to You on behalf of her child or herself that is too big or too small for You to hear and respond. I pray Your protection and covering over every mother’s heart. This night I pray in the name, power, and authority of Your Son-Jesus, that You, through the most Holy Spirit, will comfort every mother’s heart; increasing her faith, as You grant her wisdom and discernment in the thoughts of her mind, the words of her mouth, and the actions of her body. I pray dear God, that You will meet every mother’s spoken and unspoken prayer…not in my will but Yours I pray.  -Amen

You may also want to visit ‘Happy and Blessed Mother’s Day’ which is also on my blog at: https://jesusmylordandsavior.wordpress.com/2010/05/07/happy-and-blessed-mothers-day/

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JESUS my Lord and Savior

©All Rights Reserved-Anastasia Diamond

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Seek HIM in All Things

Spring Will Soon Be a Memory…Summer is on the Way

It is that time again. Spring will soon be a memory. Summer is on the way. Here on the Mojave, that means  emotions may run as high as the outrageous desert temperatures, as people struggle to stay cool, mentally, emotionally, and physically.

Whether living in the dry hot desert, or in the city sweltering in humidity, soon we will all be re-adjusting to the change in season. Tension and stress can run high, as summertime is often packed with increased financial strain in the best of times…and will be even more so in today’s faltering economy. For, with Summer often comes the anticipation and high expectations for that hoped for dream vacation, home improvement project, trip to the theme park, picnics, sporting events, swimming, BBQ’s, concerts, more movies, more eating out; more, more, and more. Summertime often holds the promises of the things we want to buy and activities we want to do…to fill our time, sooth ourselves, and entertain our easily bored children.

Have You Ever Hung Out a ‘Gone Fishing’ Sign?

Have you ever wanted to just hang out a ‘Gone Fishing’ sign?  Have you and your loved ones ever wanted to just slip away to truly refresh and reflect on things that really matter? Have you thought about how truly relaxed you might be if you were not rushing around doing things that are not relaxing?

Why not promise yourself, and plan for some vacation time that really meets your need for restoration. Now is the time to develop a summer itinerary with purpose that will build lasting spiritually and emotionally satisfying memories. Why not make plans to do some things that will not cost anything but time. Why not turn some of your recreation time into personal and family re-creation time. Why not lay a renewed foundation for every day by praying together. It sounds so simple. However, and unfortunately, even in many Christian homes, it is often a much needed but overlooked…or avoided activity. If you are alone in a family of one, find someone to be your prayer partner. If that isn’t possible, one on one communication with your Abba Father will meet your every need…and then some.

Why Not Hang Out That ‘Gone Fishing’Sign Today?

Why not hang out that ‘Gone Fishing’ sign… Ask God to direct you to use your time wisely, and He will reconstruct your days. He will teach you how to be refreshed in Him, while leading you to become a fisher of men…perhaps even within your own family or circle of friends; in your leisure time. He will guide you on His footpath throughout the summer months as He shows you new, refreshing, and exciting ways to draw closer to Him, and to each other. He will show you how to take a debt-free spiritual vacation in every season; at no cost to you, because Jesus already paid the price in full.

Give Yourself a Well Deserved Spiritual Vacation

Sure, it is still okay to have fun and do all the typical summertime things. But please do not forget to invite the Father, the Son-Jesus, and the most Holy Spirit to be with you wherever you go; be it around the world, Disneyland, down the street…or in your own back yard. Make room for them in your life every day; in the good times and bad. Take them with you on your next vacation. They travel for free and do not have extra luggage to pack, or pay for. Life will be sweeter wherever you go, and whatever you do. Give yourself a well deserved spiritual vacation.

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JESUS my Lord and Savior

©All Rights Reserved-Anastasia Diamond

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Darkness Into Light
A New Door Will Open…on the Other Side of Eternity

Wee little ones  graduate from kindergarten to grade school; others from middle school, high school, and college….

Every Graduation is Preparation for the Next Step

Throughout this time called life, we graduate from one motivating passage to another: womb to birth; crawling to standing; walking to running; babbling to talking; school to employment…moving out, military, marriage, career, baptism, parenthood, widowhood, and maybe eventual retirement. Every graduation is preparation for the next step; as we prepare to do the things, that will prepare us to do the things, that we are being prepared to do.

God Created You to Live a Series of Progressive Graduations

God knew you before you were formed in your mother’s womb. He created you to live a very specific series of progressive graduations from your precious conception to your earthly death. Some are mild-stones, remembered as momentous occasions. Others, you can not remember at all. However and interestingly, they are all the same to God;  as each one presents a uniquely tailor-made opportunity for you to grow mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually.

Earthly Rewards Eventually Fade Away

Here on earth, we are handed tangible acknowledgments of our graduations such as certificates, report cards, diplomas,  promotions, paychecks, certificates, birthday cards, licenses, and contracts. We then hear: “Congratulations! (fill in your name)”. Albeit joyous and valuable occasions, we are being presented with kind words and earthly rewards for achievements that will eventually fade away.

How Many Graduations Will I Have?

I don’t know how many graduations you’ve experienced…or will experience. Some of us have many, others – very few. I don’t even pretend to understand why the difference. However, I do know, young or old,  rich or poor, successful or not, there is an ultimate graduation all of us must experience: the final graduation from earthly existence into life eternal.

Dear one, what do you want to receive, and what are the words you long to hear at your final graduation? The Bible reminds us to press on; that we may receive crowns, and hear: “Well done good and faithful servant.” These words speak of the spiritual rewards that will last into eternity for believers in God’s only begotten Son, Jesus Christ.

We Are All Going Somewhere After Our Final Graduation

The choice is yours. Will you  live in eternity with Jesus? Or, will you spend eternity in that other place so many do not want to even acknowledge exists? Yes, the choice is yours;  heaven or hell. There is no graduation party in hell. Satan’s only purpose is to kill, steal, and destroy. The only one celebrating in hell  is satan and his followers. They  celebrate the killing of life, the stealing of the truth, and the destruction of hope. They celebrate another lost soul knowingly or unknowingly committed to an eternity in the pits of  hell.  Choose wisely dear one. Choose Jesus! He will celebrate your life and your choice to follow Him.

Will Your Final Graduation be a Celebration of Your Life and …Choice to Follow Jesus?

It is never too late…or too early, to decide where you are going, while you are still here on earth. Every person born on earth has the opportunity to choose heaven. No one has strayed too far. Remember the thief on the cross who repented? Jesus told him, Today you will be in Paradise with Me. Forgiveness is for the taking. Jesus died and shed His blood for our sins, so that we may celebrate life eternal with Him. Choose wisely; choose Jesus. Let your final graduation be a celebration of your life, and your choice to follow Jesus.

I Agree with You in Prayer

I agree with you in prayer that you will choose wisely to live your life in, through, and with Jesus; one meaningful graduation at a time…while knowing the most significant treasure and graduation is yet to come in eternity with God the Father, the Spn-Jesus Christ, and the most Holy Spirit.

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Heaven Sent Rocket

Prayer is a Heaven-Sent Rocket from Your Heart to God’s Ear

JESUS my Lord and Savior

©All Rights Reserved-Anastasia Diamond

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I was in complete awe when I took this photograph…and even more so when I developed it. For, to me…this was instantly a visual representation of the trajectory of our prayers. We talk to God with words, pleas, thoughts, shouts, whispers, and groanings called our prayers. Then, when we are ready to let go of them…we release and send our prayers up to Him. He listens all the while…but patiently waits for our ‘let go and let God’ release.

We have great difficulty conceptualizing how far our prayers might travel and accepting how long they will take to be answered. That seemingly empty space between releasing our prayer and God’s answer…is our time of  growing in faith, as we wait for HIS perfect will and His divine answer…in His perfect time.

The star burst above the waiting place is our prayer – received, ignited, and being answered through His divine action. Never give up on your prayers…or your heavenly Father. His ways are not our ways. Therefore, His answer will most likely come in ways, means and timing that are not within your limited expectations. Trust Him and give Him praise in the midst of the storm…while you are waiting for His perfect answer to your prayers.

Prayer is our earthly opportunity for direct communication with God. Our Heavenly Father loves you. He is waiting to hear from you about all of the circumstances of your life. May you be blessed with lots of daily two-way conversations with Him. May your relationship with His Son, Jesus Christ grow as you draw nearer to Him.

God is our Abba Father…or Daddy Father.

Many of us had or have difficult, unsafe, or no relationship with our earthly father. Many of us lost trust in – and respect for – people who were supposed to protect and love us. It is important to know that it is safe to go to Abba Father with all of our questions, concerns, heartache, joy, hurt, pain, sorrow, fear, stress, addictions, anger, brokeness, frustration, passion, hate…and everything else that affects us daily.

Our Abba Father is wise, tender, gentle, honest and truthful. He is the only one who can truly give us the unconditional love we all seek. My earthly father died in the hospital during an open-heart surgery when I was seven years old. I felt alone and abandoned. It took me a very long time to trust, in faith, that God would not also abandon me. However, it was when I absorbed the concept that my Heavenly Father would never leave me- or forsake me – that I was finally able to pour out my heart to Him in prayer.

I do not know your life circumstances at this moment. You may be a blood bought believer child of God. Or, this may be your first exposure to Christianity and the concept of having an Abba Father who knows and loves you – right now, today…in the midst of your sin.

You may or may not have accepted Jesus as your Lord and Savior. Therefore, I will take this opportunity to invite you to know Him who went to the cross for you. He is the door to eternal salvation. His word in the Holy Bible tells us that if we open the door when He knocks, He will come in. This may be your time to open that door.

If you choose and are ready, please repeat the following prayer:

Dear God, my Abba Father, I come to You because I believe Your Son, Jesus Christ was born, died on the cross for my sins, and was resurrected so that I may have eternal life through Him. I repent of my sins, and accept that Jesus’ shed blood and crucified body was full atonement for all of my sins. I submit my life and all of my works to You dear Lord. I trust, in faith, that You will make me over into Your blood bought child, and I will never be alone or fatherless again. These things I pray in the name of Your Son, Jesus Christ. Amen.

Dear ones, it is my honor to agree with you in prayer that your Abba Father will meet your every need in His perfect time.

Father, I come before You so humbled in Your presence dear Lord. You, who knew each of us before we were formed in our mother’s womb…and before the foundation of the world, care more deeply for us than we can possibly understand or imagine. I ask dear Lord, in the name, power, and authority of Your Son, Jesus Christ, that You meet each and every need presented here according to Your will. Father, I pray You will touch and inspire Your children through the power and guidance of the most Holy Spirit to minister to one another – in love, with mercy and hope.

I also pray Your words in Jeremiah 29:11 over all who are visiting ‘JESUS…My Lord and Savior’: For I know the thoughts I think toward you, says the LORD, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope.

Father I pray that each of these – your children – receives and accepts Your loving plan for them…in name of Your Son, Jesus I pray. – Amen

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JESUS my Lord and Savior

© All Rights Reserved -Anastasia Diamond

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Fall in New England-Lake and Trees
Two Sides to Every Conversation…Even with God

It is said that God gave us two ears and one mouth because He knew listening would be twice as difficult as talking.

The fact is, at times we all tend to be a bit selfish and childish in our communications. Right or wrong, we often talk (about ourselves) more than we listen (to others). We expect to be heard, understood, respected and accepted when we speak. We also want unconditional love and instant forgiveness for our ill chosen words. At the same time, we often have false expectations that others will know exactly what we mean…and are disappointed when they do not.

I don’t even pretend to fully understand the total mind of our heavenly Father when He created man in His image.

However, God is the most profoundly wonderful communicator. He, who spoke the world into existence, is now and always has been the personification of an exceptional listener. With His divine guidance, our communication skills can be in His image.

God’s Word teaches us to be still…and to not speak unnecessary words.

However, at times, we are so tightly focused on our own needs that we forget there is an equally vulnerable heart and questioning mind needing nurturing on the other side of the conversation. Instead of engaging in true fellowship, actively sending and receiving information in the manner it was intended, our communications easily become a self-indulgent monologue, coupled with destructive immaturity. Though we live in a world filled with endless chatter, within each of us is the need for a listener in the midst of the chaos, someone who will honor and respect our heartfelt emotions. Someone, in His image, who will continue listening when they hear and see us for who we really are; not who we want them to think we are. Someone who will listen and not turn away.

So,…how do we come closer to having true fellowship and develop more mature communication skills?

Clearly, we must each find a balance between speaking our mind and listening with our heart.

God, in His divine wisdom, gave us two ears and one mouth. Therefore, we must begin, not by talking…but by listening. With one ear finely tuned to the direction of the Holy Spirit for discernment and wisdom, and the other intent on listening to those with whom we are communicating.

Interestingly, most of us listen and think at about 400 to 600 words per minute, while we speak about 100 to 150 words per minute.

God purposefully created us to have plenty of time to listen with our whole head, heart and body; not just our ears. He designed us with a capacity to understand what is being said, coupled with a built in time lag that allows us to check everything with the Holy Spirit…and develop our answers, or clarifying questions. We just need to learn to use these abilities in the manner He intended.

Listening can be a difficult – but rewarding work!

We listen to show acceptance, to gain knowledge, to understand, to give and gain trust, to reassure, to support, and to react to ideas. Let us all pray that God, through His Holy Spirit, and in the name of His Son, Jesus, will give us the desire and patience to listen more. Active listening is not just a learned skill. It is a matter of purposeful attitude.

Our parents were right when they told us it was very important to look at the other person when we speak, or are listening. Ignoring or looking away, sends a message of disinterest, or disrespect, and maybe even defiance. Speak encouragement into the lives of those around you by choosing words that promote their mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual health, healing and well being.

Everyone needs a listener.

However, so many of our conversations are like rapid-fire debates, with people listening only long enough to disprove what is being said. Take time to listen. Others will respond more positively to our communications when we listen with a true heartfelt desire to understand them.

Always remember…words that wound, cut deep and may never heal.

When you have differences of opinion, decide just how important it is to ‘win’ this one.

The Bible reminds us not to let the sun go down on our anger. So, talk it through…being gentle with your self, and others. Always seek to find mutual points of agreement, instead of focusing on that small false victory of being right.

Prayer – although one of the most important aspects of Christian communication…is often the most overlooked.

A commitment to daily prayer and spiritual accountability maintains our open lines of communication with God. The more we talk with Him and truly listen to His responses, the more His Word and His heart will be present in our communications with our self and others.

God gave us His Son Jesus Christ – that we may have a relationship with Him.

Jesus sent the Comforter, the Holy Spirit, to give us guidance and direction. The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are available to us 24/7. We can call on them to teach us divinely inspired communication skills. When we listen, truly listen, we give others a priceless gift that will cost us only our time and attention, while giving us the blessed opportunity to be God with skin on for His children.

©All Rights Reserved-Anastasia Diamond

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Night Sky with Star and Red Cloud

Tell Them Your Glory Story …Your Testimony in HIM

JESUS my Lord and Savior

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©All Rights Reserved-Anastasia Diamond

When a wise person speaks – they give a reason for the hope that is within them.

They testify; bearing witness and announcing to all who have ears to hear, the truth of their testimony. They are willing to confess publicly, who they were before they met Jesus, so others may also know the ONE who died to save us all.

What is your wisdom quotient?

What is your testimony? How did you meet Jesus as your Lord and Savior? Do you have the words ready to share – in your mind and in your mouth?

Sadly – many Christians do not witness their life changing faith to others… especially those who need to hear it the most.

They often feel intimidated; confusing witnessing with that number one fear: public speaking. Indeed, many people are so afraid of public speaking, they say they’d rather die than do it. Dear one, the alarming truth is that you are saved, but others may die without knowing Jesus if you don’t tell them. The truth of your testimony may be exactly what they need to hear.

I challenge you to be wise and prepared…at your next opportunity to share your testimony.

Do your homework so the words will come easy and spontaneous. Prayerfully, privately, and honestly review who you were before and since you met Jesus. Writing down your testimony and committing it to memory will enable you to share what is in your heart with confidence.

Let us all pray that God will give each of us boldness through the Holy Spirit to tell others the reason for the eternal hope within us.

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©All Rights Reserved-Anastasia Diamond

Walking on the Pricipice of Time
Walking on the Precipice of Time

From the time I was a little girl, my mother told me I would live in the most exciting times since Jesus walked the earth.

She spoke of the end times in a very reality based manner. So, I took what she said in a very matter of fact way that colored my perception of this precious time called life. She died before I matured enough to ask the questions I would today. However, I knew she knew Jesus, and was talking about the times before His return.

Today, more than half a century later, we are walking on the precipice of that promised time… as everything points toward that scripturally defined era.

The world says trust no one but our selves, or others who may have questionable motives. The rules of decency no longer apply. Live for today, but make resolutions for tomorrow… that we will break next week. However, our heavenly Father says have faith, pray, be pure, live for Him – and He will renew us each day. Dear ones, is it time for easily forgotten resolutions, or earnest prayers? The choice is ours, as we draw closer to that apex moment in His perfect plan. Therefore, let us prepare, not with a list of worldly resolutions, but with daily prayerful communication with the mind and heart of God.

Dear Lord –

Please put my mind, heart, and body in order

…as you would have them be

Teach me, through Your most Holy Spirit

that I will learn to seek Your face in all things.

May Your perfect timing be my timing

as I submit my will to You.

May I faithfully walk in full preparation every day.

For, I do not know which second in time

will begin our journey into those final days

…or call me into eternity with You.

May I have divinely inspired clarity of thought, word, and deed.

May I live every moment ready to go where You send me

…and do what You would have me do.

May I make prayerful choices that honor You

and lean not on my own understanding.

May I praise you in all things

trusting that what satan means for evil

You will turn to good.

May I remember to pray

for those You have placed in positions of authority.

May I be compassionate, loving, and pray for all others

…whether they agree with me or not.

May the promises of a new year ignite a fire

of hope, new boldness in You, and righteous changes in me

…and in the world.

These things I pray

in the name, power and authority

of precious Your Son – Jesus Christ.

– Amen

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