
Archive for the ‘Morals’ Category


What does ABSTINENCE mean to you?

JESUS my Lord and Savior

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©All Rights Reserved–Anastasia Diamond

Abstinence is one of those words, and subjects, that means many different things to many different people.We have numerous religious, cultural, moral, and societal standards that affect our personal thoughts and judgments about abstinence.

So…what does ABSTINENCE mean to you?

To you, abstinence may mean turning from pieces of your past…to make a new commitment before God for the present or the future.

To you, abstinence may mean only men make this choice.

To you, abstinence may mean only women make this choice.

To you, abstinence may mean…I can do this…but not that.

To you, abstinence may mean practicing a spiritual discipline.

To you, abstinence may mean only those with sexual hangups make this choice.

To you, abstinence may mean only single people make this choice.

To you, abstinence may mean married people can also make this choice.

To you, abstinence may mean abstention from food, such as fasting.

To you, abstinence may mean making a joint commitment of purity with your current boyfriend or girlfriend, but does not apply, if or when, you become engaged.

To you, abstinence may mean making a joint commitment of purity with your future spouse.

To you, abstinence may mean making a singular commitment between you and God..without any prospect of marriage.

To you, abstinence may mean abstention from alcohol, drugs, cigarettes, or food.

To you, abstinence may mean believing true love waits…in purity…until entering a biblical marriage relationship.

To you, abstinence may mean choosing to be holy, as He is holy.

To you, abstinence may mean it is okay to masturbate, but not have sexual relations with another.

To you, abstinence may mean learning to love God more than your passion nature.

To you, abstinence may mean it is a way to avoid having sexual relations with your boyfriend, girlfriend, or spouse.

To you, abstinence may mean it is the safest form of birth control.

To you, abstinence may mean giving up the most important part of your life.

To you, abstinence may mean submitting your passion nature and will to God’s perfect will for your life.

To you, abstinence may mean the only form of protection from sexually transmitted diseases.

To you, abstinence may mean understanding and believing that your body is the Temple of the Holy Spirit.

To you, abstinence may mean foolishness in today’s permissive society.

What does Abstinence mean to you?

Please Leave a Comment or send me an

There are so many possible answers…and points of view. I look forward to learning what abstinence means to you.

Many blessings and thank you for visiting.


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We...His believers...are His church

HIS Believers…HIS Church…May GOD Bless America and all HIS Creation

JESUS my Lord and Savior

© All Rights Reserved 2009-2010 -Anastasia Diamond

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Independence Day July 4, 2009

As we in America approach Independence Day this 4th of July 2009, we face growing  unprecedented national and international man-made crisis and governmental decisions– coupled with ever-increasing satan inspired confusion. We also watch, as America and the world suffers through continually escalating natural disasters taking unbearable human toll.

Indeed, the current forecast for America…and the world is rather gloomy to say the least. We are learning to live in a post 911 era under the threat of terrorists – with wars – and rumors of plausible impending nuclear war. With increasing crime and decreasing morality, comes the clear decline of human decency that is rampant throughout the world. Yes – this is the America – and the world…we live in today.

We are Under Attack….

Dear ones…We in America are under attack in our land, in our government, and in our Constitution; in our military, businesses, finances, and health care; in our court system, universities and schools; in our entertainment: movies, music, television, radio, and advertisements. We are burdened and under attack in our workplaces, homes, marriages…and in our families. Our adults, our children…and our unborn babies are under attack. America is under attack – in our bodies, minds, spirit… and, in our churches. America – and the world is under attack.

Where is the Hope?

Our Hope is in Jesus and His promises. Not in man and his promises. The New Testament reminds us to watch and pray. To be alert and to stay awake with watchfulness and caution.

Luke 12:35 reminds us to Be Dressed for Service…and In Readiness.

What Can I Do?

The Israelites wore loose flowing robes that were very impractical for work, travel, or battle as they were. Unless they were girded up…they were not ready–and neither are we. It is due time that we too need to gird up for work, travel and battle.

Christians in America and throughout the world need to be strong; we face a battle. We need to get ready for many difficult decisions and tasks ahead. We must gird up our loins…and prepare ourselves to battle for God and country.

Ephesians 6:11 tells us to put on the ‘Whole Armor of God’ in preparation for our daily battles…that we may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.

Prayer for America and the World

Will you agree with me in this prayer for America and the World?

Dear Heavenly Father,

We, Your church, prepare to do battle for the United States of America and all the rest of this world You created.

Today we claim victory over satan, and protection over our country and the world, by putting on the Whole Armor of God as we stand individually…and in intercession for America and all of Your creation.

We put on the Girdle of Truth! That we may stand firm in the truth of Your Word…so that we, America and the world, will not fall victim to satan’s confusion and lies.

We put on the Breastplate of Righteousness! May it guard our hearts from evil so we will remain pure and holy…protected by the blood of Jesus Christ while in battle to reclaim America and the world for You.

We put on the Shoes of Peace! May we stand firm in the powerful and Good News of the Gospel…so Your love and Your peace will shine in us and through us…to be a light for You to all we encounter.

We take up the Shield of Faith! May we be ready for satan’s fiery darts of doubt, denial, and deceit against America…so we…and our country will not be vulnerable to spiritual defeat.

We put on the Helmet of Salvation! May we keep our mind focused on You… so satan will not have a stronghold on our thoughts…or on those in positions of leadership in America and throughout the world.

We take up the Sword of the Spirit – Your Word! May the two-edged sword of Your Word by ready in our hands, and our mouths…so we can expose satan’s false and tempting words to America and all of your creation.

By faith in You, we believers – Your Warriors, declare that we have put on the Whole Armor of God. We are now fully prepared to live this and every day in spiritual victory for the United States of America… and all of Your creation here on earth. We pray that You will bless America and all of the countries of Your creation.

Dear Lord, these things I pray in the Name, and Power, and Authority of Your most precious Son, our Lord and Savior; Jesus Christ. –Amen.

Pray This Prayer Often

Pray this prayer often. Restating your commitment to be ready to stand for Him and do battle mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually. Prepare, stand…and be not shaken. For there is nothing that can happen to you that our heavenly Father is not aware. Draw nearer to Him and He will draw nearer to you.

Declare Your Independence Day!

This year – yes – joyously celebrate your freedom and the birth of our nation, Amercia. But also declare and celebrate your Independence Day. The day you became a blood bought child of the one and only true and living God, Jesus Christ. For, it is only in and through Him that you are truly free!

May God Bless America

May God bless America…and all of His creation…and may He richly and abundantly bless you in all you think, speak, and do.

All Rights Reserved ©2009-2010…”JESUS my Lord and Savior-ANASTASIA DIAMOND’S Prayerful Reflections…and Photographs on a Spiritual Journey from Darkness into HIS Light” Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from Anastasia Diamond is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided full and clear credit is given author/photographer and with appropriate and specific direction to the original content at: https://jesusmylordandsavior.wordpress.com/

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Flowers and Posts

Let HIS Holiness Reign in You

JESUS my Lord and Savior

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©All Rights Reserved-Anastasia Diamond

“Be holy, because I am holy.” (1 Peter 1:13-16)

Temptation surrounds us at every turn!

In these days of brazen exclamations promoting political and moral freedom of choice, we are continually enticed to lose touch with the blessings of purity and holiness. Unholiness and impurity manifests in every possible way in this prideful ‘Me-first’ world.

Our passion nature is the connecting tie to all unholy manifestations.

Indeed, the biggest life struggle each of us has is between our passion nature (what we want – even to our detriment) and our spiritual nature (following God’s will for us). Therefore, anything we desire more than our relationship with Jesus Christ can draw us into an unholy and unbalanced alliance. Anything? Yes, anything: power, perfection, food, money, shopping, sex, drugs, alcohol, relationships, career, love, family, position, beauty, possessions, fame…etc, etc, etc.

God bestowed the uniqueness of personal free will upon each of us to set us apart from all of the rest of His creations. Thus, allowing us the option to choose Him, over anything the world can offer. Now, that is truly moral freedom of choice.

We are our heavenly Father’s blood-bought children.

His call is for all of His children to be pure and holy. He set a family standard for us to live up to in all areas of our life. Opportunities to turn from His standard surround us. The unbalanced nature of impurity and unholiness starts in our heart, flows to our mind, grows in our imagination, alters our surroundings, and changes our speech…then manifests in our actions.

If God set a standard, He must have also provided a way to attain and maintain it.

The Bible reminds us that we have not because we ask not. We often do not ask because we choose to hold onto the things and habits that bind us. To balance your passion nature with your spiritual nature, be honest before God.

Ask Him for His mercy. Ask Him to show you what has drawn you away from Him, how it has manifested…and what you must do to change. Ask Him to cleanse you from anything that draws you away from your walk with Him.

Ask God, who is holy, to purify your heart…to make you holy as He is holy.

Make it part of your daily prayer that you will become holy and pure, as He is – in the thoughts of your mind, the words of your mouth, and the actions of your body. Believe in your heart that through the process of sanctification, He will purify you in all things; for this is His will for you.

You may think a pure and holy life is boring and not worth the effort.

Fortunately, you are wrong. Living life as our Creator intended actually brings balance, joy, harmony, and abundant life to our passion nature and the chaos of our daily existence. This allows us the ability to prioritize our life with God at the head of every compartment, which in turn, brings everything in our life under submission to His perfect will for all of His children. In doing so, the fruits of our passion nature glorify God, while we experience the blessing of being in His will, and walking a closer walk with Him.

Is it easy to submit our passion nature to God, in an effort to become holy, as He is holy? No…not hardly. If it were, everyone would be walking this narrower spiritual road. However, it is wisdom for every Christ-follower to seek to submit ourselves to His divine will for guidance on the path toward holiness in all things.

“Therefore, prepare your minds for action; be self-controlled; set your hope fully on the grace to be given you when Jesus Christ is revealed. As obedient children, do not conform to the evil desires you had when you lived in ignorance. But just as he who called you is holy, so be holy in all you do; for it is written: “Be holy, because I am holy.” (1 Peter 1:13-16)

All Rights Reserved ©2009-2010…”JESUS my Lord and Savior-ANASTASIA DIAMOND’S Prayerful Reflections…and Photographs on a Spiritual Journey from Darkness into HIS Light” Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from Anastasia Diamond is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided full and clear credit is given author/photographer and with appropriate and specific direction to the original content at: https://jesusmylordandsavior.wordpress.com/

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JESUS my Lord and Savior

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©All Rights Reserved-Anastasia Diamond

Walking on the Pricipice of Time
Walking on the Precipice of Time

From the time I was a little girl, my mother told me I would live in the most exciting times since Jesus walked the earth.

She spoke of the end times in a very reality based manner. So, I took what she said in a very matter of fact way that colored my perception of this precious time called life. She died before I matured enough to ask the questions I would today. However, I knew she knew Jesus, and was talking about the times before His return.

Today, more than half a century later, we are walking on the precipice of that promised time… as everything points toward that scripturally defined era.

The world says trust no one but our selves, or others who may have questionable motives. The rules of decency no longer apply. Live for today, but make resolutions for tomorrow… that we will break next week. However, our heavenly Father says have faith, pray, be pure, live for Him – and He will renew us each day. Dear ones, is it time for easily forgotten resolutions, or earnest prayers? The choice is ours, as we draw closer to that apex moment in His perfect plan. Therefore, let us prepare, not with a list of worldly resolutions, but with daily prayerful communication with the mind and heart of God.

Dear Lord –

Please put my mind, heart, and body in order

…as you would have them be

Teach me, through Your most Holy Spirit

that I will learn to seek Your face in all things.

May Your perfect timing be my timing

as I submit my will to You.

May I faithfully walk in full preparation every day.

For, I do not know which second in time

will begin our journey into those final days

…or call me into eternity with You.

May I have divinely inspired clarity of thought, word, and deed.

May I live every moment ready to go where You send me

…and do what You would have me do.

May I make prayerful choices that honor You

and lean not on my own understanding.

May I praise you in all things

trusting that what satan means for evil

You will turn to good.

May I remember to pray

for those You have placed in positions of authority.

May I be compassionate, loving, and pray for all others

…whether they agree with me or not.

May the promises of a new year ignite a fire

of hope, new boldness in You, and righteous changes in me

…and in the world.

These things I pray

in the name, power and authority

of precious Your Son – Jesus Christ.

– Amen

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Pink and Cream Roses
Come Into the Fragrance of HIS Love

JESUS my Lord and Savior

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© All Rights Reserved  –Anastasia Diamond

Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest

Jesus exclaimed in Matthew 11:28, “Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” He did not say you must first feel worthy. He did not say you must first be of a certain age. He did not say you must first look a particular way. He did not say you must first think as He did. He did not say you must first wear specific clothing. He did not say you must live in a set manner. He did not say you must first be clean and whole.

He called us to come to Him just as we are

He called us to come to Him just as we are- broken, questioning, fearful, sin-filled, prideful, selfish, bitter, rejected, ashamed, abused, abuser, guilty, disgraced, hurting, angry, depressed, addicted, hopeless, and filthy…in body, mind and deed.

He opened His arms to embrace all of humanity…not just a precious few

The One who proclaimed this hope opened His arms to embrace all of humanity, not just a precious few. The body of Christ, His church, must also exclaim to the people: Come as you are! Welcoming all they meet, in His name and His nature; letting them know that they are touchable, just as they are. We, the representative body of Christ, must receive those who labor and are heavy laden. We must open our hearts and doors to all people… offering the path to that precious rest found only in Jesus Christ. Bookmark and Share

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Intimacy-In To Me You See

'Intimacy' In-To-Me-YOU-See

JESUS My Lord and Savior        Bookmark and Share

©All Rights Reserved-Anastasia Diamond

How do you explain a true miracle?

In this jaded world of real TV, video games, theatrics, smoke, mirrors, magic, and cheap tricks, how do you explain a true miracle to someone who has never met the Savior?

From cradle to grave we are continually manipulated, coached, enticed, and encouraged to watch murder, death, human cruelty, and bloodshed…real and not; over and again until even the most sensitive of us become desensitized. We watch the nightly news, constantly exposed to man’s inhumanity to man, with limited lasting response, if any.

We witness what appears to be miracles

We also witness what appears to be miracles, in a world where a distorted version of truth, fact, and fiction melt into a fuzzy (out of focus) mock reality; easily turned off and on at will. Various characters appear to die and rise again, speak in other tongues, fly, walk on water, and perform miracles with spells, chants, and witchcraft. Elephants and airplanes disappear and reappear at the flutter of a curtain and command of a magician.

How do you explain the mystery of the cross and resurrection?

How do you explain the mystery of the cross and resurrection of God’s Son to a generation who saw the movie and now want to know where to buy the video game…so they can be Judas, or the one who flogs Jesus?

Your joyous response to the birth, life, death, resurrection and promises of Jesus Christ may be the only way someone you know, or meet, will get to know Him. As Christians, we must live our life so that others will notice the positive difference in us; then want to know what that difference is.

Tell them His story is a true story

Tell them His story is a true story. Tell them that He came to show us the way. Tell them how He took on all of our sin at the cross. Tell them of the redeeming power of His shed blood in your life. Tell them that He died so that we all may live life abundantly and eternally. Tell them of your Baptism and rebirth. Tell them how your old man went down in the water, and how you came out a new creature in Christ. Tell them of the bread and wine of His Holy Communion. Tell them of His glorious resurrection and His promise that He will return.

Tell them the reason you celebrate Resurrection Sunday

Tell them of your glorious resurrection, through Him, from darkness into light. Tell them who you used to be, and who you are today because of what He did for you over two thousand years ago. Tell them He will also do for them…what He did for you. Tell them that Easter is not just about eggs and bunnies. Tell them the reason you celebrate Resurrection Sunday. They may never know if you do not tell them.

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